

Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Berhad (Bank Rakyat) has organized its Shariah Forum 2022 in collaboration with the IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance (IIiBF).

The Forum is in relation to Bank Rakyat Blueprints 2025 (BR 2025) as part of the bank’s Shariah leadership aspirations to become a sustainable bank. In addition to the Shariah leadership, BR 2025 includes five other key areas involving digitalisation, great customer experience, human capital, small and medium enterprises value creation centre, and sustainability.

The Forum was held at the Balai Tan Sri Sheikh Ahmad, Menara Kembar Bank Rakyat on the 19th December 2022, attended by 50 participants from the Shariah fraternity of Bank Rakyat comprising of its Shariah committee, Shariah audit, Shariah advisory, Shariah review, Shariah risk, and product development department.

The Shariah Forum is chaired by the Chairman of the Shariah Committee of Bank Rakyat, Prof. Dr. Azman Mohd Noor with the presence of Shariah committee member, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohd Azmi Omar, whereby IIiBF lead researchers presented findings on high impact research projects titled “Exploring the potential of using zakat collection for the purpose of extending microfinance to the recipients of zakat” and “Musharakah as an Islamic financial structure for venture capital: its potential and possible applications for SMEs in Malaysia”.

These high impact research projects involved funding by Bank Rakyat to IIiBF amounting to RM215 thousand. The projects were led by Prof. Dr. Aznan Hasan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Razali Haron and Dr Nor Razinah Mohd. Zain. IIiBF researchers were also collaborated with Mr Abdullah Hidayat of Ficus Venture Capital and Prof. Dr. Noraini Mohd Ariffin of IIUM.

In addition, a project report titled “A contemporary model of commercial housing waqf development” was presented by researchers from the Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) with funding of RM100 thousand.

The Chairman of the Shariah Committee concluded that the collaboration between industry and academia is essential to develop other potential means of product financing and product diversification.  

Source : IIiBF IIUM