
Feminism, motherhood and Rokeya

Md Mahmudul Hasan | Published: 00:00, Dec 09,2022

— Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain

THE term feminism was coined in the late nineteenth century and gained widespread usage at the height of second-wave feminism in the 1960s and 1970s. It was not widely used during the lifetime of Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain (1880–1932). Nor did she mention it or associate herself with it in her writing.

Although, largely for reasons of academic convenience, we call Rokeya a feminist, she is not one in the conventional sense of the word. There are divergences between mainstream feminist theories and Rokeya’s notion of women’s rights. Motherhood and childrearing are some of the areas where Rokeya is at odds with western feminist approaches.

Feminism and motherhood are often presumed to have an uneasy relationship — characterised as complex, ambivalent, troubled, contradictory and mutually incompatible. Even though the movement recognises the multiplicity of ways in which different women choose to live their lives, its acceptance of stay-at-home mothers is mixed with misgivings. Emotional needs of mothers to be with their young children are often interpreted as their inability to engage in public life, as domestic work is associated with a lower level of education. In mainstream feminist discourse, matrimony and home are often viewed as a prison for women and full-time unpaid mothering, as economic deprivation or ‘a major source of women’s oppression.’ 

Mothers’ joys and emotional satisfaction of raising children are considered their weakness or counted as a decline in their social status. Staying home with children is referred to as ‘claustrophobia’ and emotional distress on the part of mothers. Women’s right to choose to have children and rear them at home is often not given the priority it deserves. This leads feminism and motherhood to sound mutually exclusive. Wives’ sharing of childcare with husbands is justly emphasised in feminist and gender studies literature, but it is often forgotten that mothers (not fathers) give birth to babies and cannot be replaced without posing a threat to the child’s development and well-being. 

As regards motherhood and childrearing, there is an attitudinal difference between first and second wave feminism. First-wave feminism recognised mothers’ important role at home in raising children and sought to help compensate them financially through demands for pensions and payments. Conversely, second-wave feminism attempted to bring mothers out of the domestic realm and nudge them into paid work. It addressed the issue of looking after children by promoting childcare facilities at work but seemingly failed to acknowledge many mothers’ preference to remain at home with young children. As the Canadian feminist organisation for stay-at-home mothers, Mothers Are Women once stated: ‘The feminist movement remains uncomfortable with the idea of a woman being a committed at-home mother and a feminist.’

In an essay titled ‘Feminism and Stay-at-Home-Motherhood’, Lynne Marks from Canada’s University of Victoria points out that there are mothers who work really hard for eight or more hours a day and earn only enough to pay their childcare providers. Or mothers work outside home only to afford luxuries at the expense of compromising childrearing and their emotional involvement with their young children. In such cases, one can argue that it is perhaps advisable for mothers to care for their own children at home. It can also be argued that conflating paid work with recognition amounts to imposing a particular (male) standard on mothers.

Few will dispute that motherhood is the most honourable calling and deserving of the utmost respect and recognition. Devaluing motherhood and imitating the male model of career success at the expense of the well-being of children may bring catastrophic consequences for them. The key issue here is not privileging stay-at-home motherhood or discouraging mothers from pursuing career opportunities; it is to ensure children’s well-being and to meet mothers’ emotional needs without compromising the rights and freedom of women.

Feminism’s arguable disregard for the interest of children partly contributed to Nobel laureate Doris Lessing’s disagreement with middle-class western feminism. At Edinburgh book festival 2001, she said: ‘Great things have been achieved through feminism. We now have pretty much equality at least on the pay and opportunities front, though almost nothing has been done on child care.’ As I mentioned in an earlier essay, years later in an interview with the Guardian book club, among the questions Lessing discussed with her readers was: ‘What about the effects on children of the changing relationships between the sexes?’ Lessing viewed proper care and upbringing of children as an important responsibility which should not be underestimated or relinquished while fighting for women’s rights. 

As regards Rokeya’s feminist philosophy, the rights of women are an integral and indivisible part of human rights and freedoms. Her campaign for female education and liberation is one component of her reform efforts. At the macro level, she wanted her society to gain in strength by liberating and empowering women so that it could ultimately win independence from colonialism. At the micro level, she sought to ensure parental care and protection of children at home for the sake of the continuous development of society.

Rokeya’s essay ‘Shishu-palon’ (childrearing) included in Motichur-II (1922) is a testament to her deep and abiding interest in responsible motherhood and in the well-being of children. She takes into account the high infant mortality in her society and emphasises the role of mothers in proper childrearing and shaping the lives of their children. ‘Shishu-palon’ is an advice manual for mothers which leaves few areas untouched in terms of teaching them how to look after their own health and that of their children from birth to adolescence. She makes it clear that the development of a society is dependent on conscious and caring motherhood and on the well-being and proper raising of children who are the future citizens and leaders of a nation. Her clarion call is that it is impossible to attain this comprehensive goal without enhancing the well-being and rights of women. This holistic approach is the bedrock upon which Rokeya’s reform impulse and activities are founded and it deserves further analysis and appreciation. 

Dr Md Mahmudul Hasan teaches English and postcolonial literature at International Islamic University Malaysia.
