World Conference on Higher Education, Barcelona, May 14-20-New Reports
The World Conference on Higher Education, Barcelona is expecting 2000 in-person and 5000+ virtual participants for the 2022 event. The goal of WHEC 2022 is create a new roadmap for higher education facing the 2030 UN SDGs and the Climate Crisis.
The UNESCO Chair in Community-Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education has been playing an active role in the nearly two years of planning for the UNESCO World Higher Education Conference (WHEC) 2022 in Barcelona next week. This conference occurs every 12 years and will be attended by 2000 delegates. The UNESCO Chair has worked together with the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, the Association for Commonwealth Universities, GUNi and many local organizations to supported two key events as part of the formal UNESCO Conference asset of public events open to all attendees and local residents.
A reminder that you can access the full program for WHEC 2022 here. And you may also register as a virtual conference attendee through the same site.
Rajesh Tandon and Budd Hall expect 40-50 persons from their several networks including the majority of the Knowledge for Change Hub leaders. Several of the events that they have convened include the following:
The Justice Imperative: Knowledge Democracy, Higher Education and the SDGs (Monday, May 16, 9:30-11:30am, EAE Barcelona campus – C/Aragón 55, Barcelona) Shifting Architectures of Knowledge through Community-University Engagement and the Future of Higher Education (Monday May 16th, 12:30-2:30pm, EAE Barcelona campus – C/Aragón 55, Barcelona Indigenous Perspectives: Advancing Change in Higher Education (Tuesday, May 17, 3pm-8pm, Eventbrite link to follow)People-Centered Health Care & Public-Patient Involvement in Health Research(Wednesday, May 18, 3-5pm, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Barcelona) Changemakers in Higher Education In Cooperation with the Association of Commonwealth Universities (Thursday, May 19, 12:30-2:30pm, Palau Macaya, P.º de Sant Joan, 108, 08037 Barcelona
Important Higher Education Reports and Books releasedUNESCO Futures of Education Report- Global Independent Expert Group on Universities and the 2030 Agenda Report on New Visions for Higher Education Towards 2030
UNESCO Chair Book on Socially Responsible Higher Education: International Perspectives on Knowledge Democracy