IIUM President urges graduands to put knowledge into good use
By Nurin Najmina Zaidi(IIUM Today)
GOMBAK- – Amidst celebrating the success of the graduands academic journey, which was full of the culmination of a month of dedication, hard work, and sleepless night, the President of IIUM, Tan Sri Samsudin Osman, urged the graduands to put their knowledge into actions.
In the ceremony, he quoted a saying by Imam Al-Ghazali, ‘knowledge without action is vanity but action without knowledge is insanity, ’ in which he referred that the challenge for the graduands is to take the initiative on what they have learned.
“What is the point of knowledge and values that you have been analysed if you don’t put them in action?” he questioned.
He further explained that it is when society benefits from their presence is when IIUM graduands can be seen as the hope of the ummah.
Living in a challenging era where it is full of discrimination, wealth, and rapid development in technology, he pointed out that our role is more important than ever.
“Things might actually come very fast but the attitudes and values that you have internalized will remain relevant.
“You are the developers, innovators, and disseminators of knowledge. The world, the community, and the country are constantly in need of your expertise and guidance to navigate the positive direction and lead a better world,” he added.
Tan Sri Samsudin also told the story of the Prophet who received the first Quranic revelation as a reference which marks the beginning of the greatest human civilization.
He emphasised that this culture of significance, attitude, and acceptance of this university is the symbol of commitment to pursue the jihad of spreading knowledge, wisdom, and Rahmatan Lil Alamin.
“That was what left for us by the Prophet S.A.W. In this mission, we are together. So come back to your alma mater with ideas, suggestions, and cooperation, and work together no matter where you are,” he concluded in his speech.***
Source: IIUM President urges graduands to put knowledge into good use – IIUM Today